Friday, November 9, 2012

The School Year Countdown

This is the last one for now. I swear! I can picture your faces now, going THAT'S ENOUGH! Okay, okay, I'm done. I just wanted to tell you about my school year count down photo project that I'm doing with my kiddos. Well, every day since the first day of the school year, I've taken a photo of all three girls together before they get on the bus. Then I take several (sometimes one is all I can get out of her. She's NOT a morning person) of Emiah alone for her kindergarten countdown album since this is her very first year of school. As you can see, this photo of Emiah says Day 15. The girls love it! It's there own sister to sister moment together, and they've even become creative and started choosing their own poses and backdrops! I hope you enjoy the photos as we go along. Emiah loves Toms shoes, so you will see pairs of every color in some of her photos.


Several collages of my youngest daughter Emiah. She is in kindergarten. She loves to dance, sing, draw, and shop. Yes already, I did say shop!
She's mama's princess, my sweet baby girl. And she IS spoiled rotten!

Thursday, November 8, 2012

All about E

So I started a blog. Yes I did. Well here's a little about Emiah. Shes lives in the southern U.S. She has two older sisters. She loves to read & write. This blog will follow her daily life, all of it, every silly bit. Have fun and stay tuned. You'll enjoy!